Capturing Jon G. Michels
It's taken a lot to bring this documentary together, and we've certainly had a lot of help! Most of the time we don't even ask, you just...

What Else Is On?
Pumpkins were carved, leaves fell, thanks were given, and you're probably wondering where the hell we've been? Well, stuff did happen,...

This Film Goes South...
Just in time for a snow storm, our crew trudged forward on our quest to complete the shooting of the movie by hopping on a plane and...

Can You Talk The Talk?
You bet! We can also walk the walk. But that’s not what we’re talking about today. We’re talking “talk”... and not just talking to talk!...

Meet The Boy Wonder
On a bitter sub-zero Saturday, February 13, Keith & Jackie set out as a skeleton crew of two with an SUV packed to the gills with...

A Fantastic Four Hours!
The weekend of July 17th brought the crew to Saugerties, NY to spend an amazing and fantastic four (nerd joke inserted) hours with 2013...