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New Friends & New Budgets

You guys are the ones who make this movie... not literally because we can't afford you, but you're the ones that really inspire us. Charlton has been gone for over 30 years, so who cares? YOU CARE! Interviews are fun, research is fascinating, but doing panels and getting to meet some of you in person is just incredible.

We were excited to attend Big Apple Con, but the panel response exceeded our expectations. Since we typically blow through an hour long panel in the blink of an eye, we decided to "underpack" for our 30 minute time slot. Keith and I agreed - let's show the trailer, 5 minutes of interview clips, then spend the rest of the time chatting with you. That ended up being a great decision! The audience asked a wide range of engaging questions and we thought that made for a much better panel than us just talking at you! But, that's just our opinion. Have a listen and you be the judge!

We were surprised to learn that our 30 minute panel was actually 45 minutes... Whoops! Happy accidents, right? Afterwards, our panel flipped into a meet-and-greet with some new friends. One of which was Mark Belkin who's the executive editor of the webzine DC in the 80's. It's totally rad, to the max! Check it out! Then we met Allan Rosenberg who books guests for Big Apple Con. This guy knows who we need to talk to! Allan was kind enough to point us in the direction of J David Spurlock, who runs the Wally Wood Estate. Talk about a gigantic plethora of knowledge! This guy has some great stories about Woody, and does a killer impression of Pat Boyette! Looks like we have another interview to do! Our friend from the beginning of this adventure was also in attendance - Mikey Plague. Mikey earned himself a gold star award for saving our tabletop banner that we stupidly left behind at the show! D'OH! Thanks Mikey! We'd also like feedback about our panels. What do you want to hear? What DON'T you want to hear about? Did you enjoy the extended Q&A? Do you like our crew based stories from behind-the-scenes? Tell us! These panels are for you, so your opinion matters greatly!


It's that wonderful time of year agin! TAX SEASON! *barf*

But with pain (wallet pain that is) comes growth. We took a hard look at what we spent, and we'll be sitting down to crunch the numbers on what we can afford to do next. This project is donation based, and the rest comes out of our pockets. Did you know that you can make contributions through our website? You can! And soon we'll be revamping the page to include prizes for donating! *If you made a donation in the past through our site you will be grandfathered in for a prize* With each new dollar raised, we'll tell you what it's allocated for and create a graph to show you the film's progression. The terms "In Production" or "Post Production" are too nebulous, so we're going to do our best to pull back the curtain! If you have an idea on how we should fundraise, we're very open to suggestions :) Until next time! Up and Atom! Jackie and Keith

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